Hoe om te gaan met eczeem

How to deal with eczema

Do you suffer from eczema in your face and are you looking for a natural treatment? You are not alone! Many people suffer from this annoying skin condition. And that often goes beyond just on the face. From foot eczema to hand eczema, and from blister eczema to red irritating spots. Even after using many creams and ointments, the eczema in the face does not go away in many people. Have you ever thought of a completely natural treatment? Eczema can benefit greatly from the use of natural remedies.

Want to try natural face cream that is great for people with eczema? Look here!

Causes of facial eczema

No idea how you got that hand eczema or blister eczema? There are several known causes:

  • Wrong diet: You may not realize it at all, but maybe you can't tolerate dairy, for example. Also, heavily processed products, sugar, trans fats and unsaturated fatty acids can cause eczema. Your body gets out of balance because of this and has to work very hard to be able to process everything. So choose the counterparts that actually help in the fight against facial eczema.
  • When stress is involved, eczema can develop. There is a hormonal imbalance resulting in eczema.
  • Perfumed and non-natural skin care. The skin cannot tolerate non-natural products and perfume. This is a major cause of eczema. So do not opt ​​for just any cream from the pharmacy or Vaseline. Your skin often responds better to perfume-free, natural skin care, in the case of eczema.

Tips natural treatment eczema

You can do a lot yourself to combat eczema . Here are some tips for a natural treatment:

  • Be careful with water. Shower not too long and not too hot. This dries out your skin and promotes eczema.
  • Maintain balance. Eat healthy, avoid products that are heavily processed or sprayed and are hard for your body to process. Also ensures a mental balance and try to avoid stress when you suffer from eczema face.
  • Make sure you have good resistance. With a good resistance you are less prone to skin diseases.
  • Although a warm shower is not beneficial for eczema, a bath in the sea can help many people with eczema or psoriasis. Unfortunately you don't have the sea at home. Our salt stone and deodorant can therefore be a solution.
  • Natural and perfume-free skin care. Watch what you put on. Many brands claim to be natural and perfume free but are not. So read the ingredients carefully. Choose a 100% natural cream with, for example, coconut oil and aloe vera . You can also lubricate these products neat. Leaving a thick layer of coconut oil on for 24 hours is a good natural treatment for eczema or psoriasis. Would you like to try a natural cream? Look here .
  • Detoxing ensures that your toxins are removed and your immune system gets a boost. With a good immune system, eczema has less chance. All foods that can cause eczema are eliminated. Detoxing sounds like a chore and expensive. This is not the case. Choose the detox way that suits you and go for a natural treatment for eczema.
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