If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may exchange or return the purchased items within 14 days of the delivery date. After this period, your purchase can no longer be returned or exchanged.
Send an email to to return your purchase. As soon as we have received the package, your purchase amount will be refunded, excluding shipping costs. If you live in Amsterdam, you can also drop off your package at our office.
- Returns must be returned within 14 days of receipt
- Returned products are only accepted if they are unopened and still packed in the original packaging
- The customer is responsible for the risk of delivery
- Product and/or delivery issues must be reported to us within 3 days after the products are received
- Should a delivery error occur, SMPL is responsible for the costs of delivery. The customer is obliged to pay the shipping costs, which will be refunded.
- If the exchange and return conditions do not meet the above conditions, SMPL has the right to return the order to the recipient and hold the recipient responsible for the shipping costs.