With SMPL we naturally want to contribute our green bit. That is why we choose ingredients of 100% natural origin, without microplastics, that are safe for our planet. But there is so much more possible..
We are therefore proud to share that we are working with Sumthing and ReefSystems to restore the coral reefs in Shimoni (Kenya). Unfortunately, these are in poor condition due to the climate impact. If we continue like this, all coral reefs will be gone within 30 years (!!). Can you imagine this!?
On behalf of SMPL we made the first donation for the installation of the SMPL reef. Together with you we want to further develop this coral.
For every SMPL order above €60, we will donate €1.50 to this project on your behalf. After your coral has been planted, you will receive a message from us where you can find your piece of coral, including a photo. How nice is that!
Would you like to take a look? Then scroll all the way down on our sustainability page and find your personal piece of coral here.
Let's restore the ecosystem together, since this is the only planet we have.